23h20 Toujours immobilisée, la Bentley de Butch Leitzinger a cédé sa 3e place à la Chrysler n°16. La Courage n°17 prend la 4e place. La Bentley est 5e
23h35 Deux tête-à-queue pour la Porsche n°76 de Mike Youles dans le même tour. Mais le pilote anglais a pu se rétablir à chaque fois pour continuer la course.
23h56 Tête à queue de Seiji Ara dans les Hunaudières
A la faveur d'un arrêt au stand plus long que de coutume pour l'Audi n°1, l'Audi n°2 est revenu à 1.775 secondes de l'équipage tenant du titre après 100 tours. Les techniciens de la firme d'Ingolstadt ont décidé de changer la carrosserie avant de la voiture leader au moment où Emmanuele Pirro passait le volant à Frank Biela.
Derrière cette bataille entre compagnons d'écurie, la 3e place a été très disputée.
Un long arrêt de la Bentley n°8, qui complétait le podium provisoire jusque-là, a permis à Olivier Beretta d'occuper le 3e rang. Pas pour longtemps, car sa Chrysler a été contrainte à un arrêt aux stands qui a profité au Sarthois Sébastien Bourdais. Le pilote de la Courage n°17 a permis aux couleurs d'Henri Pescarolo d'atteindre leur meilleur classement depuis le début de la course. Un changement de tensiomètre n'a même pas handicapé le pilote français.
Bentley a limité les dégâts après ce long arrêt aux stands, ne comptant qu'un tour de retard sur la Courage. L'Anglaise, qui déplore des problèmes de boîtier électronique de vitesse séquentielle, conserve malgré tout la 4e place à la faveur d'un arrêt aux stands prolongé d'Olivier Beretta sur la Chrysler n°16, en raison d'un changement de pompe à eau. Yannick Dalmas a profité lui aussi des problèmes de son compagnon d'écurie pour reprendre la 5e place.
Première LM-P 675 et désormais 6e, la Reynard Roc Auto, n'en finit pas d'étonner. Pourtant, elle a connu des problèmes qui ont nécessité là aussi un changement de pompe à eau. Elle est donc désormais talonné par l'Ascari n°20, 7e.
Changement en tête des GTS. La Corvette Racing Gary Pratt n°63 de Johnny O'Connell a dépassé sa compagne d'écurie, la n°64, lorsque cette dernière a pris un échappatoire qui lui a coûté une crevaison. Reste que les pneumatiques Goodyear font toujours merveille sous la pluie puisque les deux Chevrolet occupent les 9e et 10e places. En revanche, Vanina Ickx a connu bien des déboires pour faire rejoindre les stands à sa Corvette Paul Belmondo Racing n°55 après ses deux tête-à-queue. Pas de chance pour cette écurie puisque l'autre Viper a été contrainte à l'abandon.
Chez les GT, la Porsche Seikel Motor Sport n°83 conduite par Luca Drudi occupe toujours la 13e place. A noter la 4e place dans cette catégorie de Luc Alphand au volant de la Porsche n°74.
Enfin, minuit a sonné le glas des espoirs de Philippe Gache de finir les 24 Heures du Mans 2001, puisque le pilote de la Courage SMG n°19 a dû abandonner.
The gap is getting smaller in the lead
Sunday, June 17th, 2001
There's a duel going on between the two leading Audis. N°2 is close on the heals of the title-holders. Behind, Sébastien Bourdais has taken an honourable 3rd place in his n°17 Courage.
Thanks to a rather longer than usual pit stop for the n°1 Audi, the n°2 Audi is only 1.775 seconds away from the holders of the title after 100 laps. The technicians decided to replace the front of the bodywork on the leading car when Emanuele Pirro stopped to let Frank Biela take over. Behind this battle between team-mates, the 3rd place was the subject of a rough dispute.
A long stop by the n°8 Bentley, which completed the virtual podium at the time, let Olivier Beretta move up into the top three. But not for long, because his Chrysler was forced to make a pit stop, for the benefit of Sébastien Bourdais.
The driver of the n°17 Courage has enabled the Henri Pescarolo team to achieve the best ranking since the beginning of the race. Changing the tensiometer didn't even penalise the French driver.
Bentley wasn't too penalized by this long stop at the pits, with only one lap to catch up on the Courage. The English car, which has experienced problems with its electronic sequential gearbox, maintains its 4th position thanks to the a prolonged pit stop by Olivier Beretta's n°16 Chrysler, due to a change of water pump. Yannick Dalmas has also benefited from his team-mate's problems to regain the 5th position.
First of the LMP 675 class and 6th position of the general ranking, the Reynard Roc Auto still hasn't finished surprising us. Nevertheless, this car has also experienced problems that have, here again, required that the water pump be changed. It is therefore closely followed by the Ascari n°20, 7th.
A change has occurred in the lead of the GTS class. Johnny O'Connell's Racing Gary Pratt n°63 Corvette has overtaken its 'sister' car, n°64, while the latter missed a bend and took a side lane, resulting in a puncture. Nevertheless, the Goodyear tyres remain very good in rainy weather, seen as both Chevrolets occupy the 9th and 10th positions.
On the other hand, Vanina Ickx experienced many misfortunes while she was trying to get her Paul Belmondo Racing's team n°55 Viper back to the pits after having spun twice. Bad luck for the team Paul Belmondo Racing seen as the other Viper was also forced to withdraw.
In the GT class, the Seikel Motor Sport's team n°83 Porsche, driven by Luca Drudi, is still in 13th position. It should be noted that the n°74 Porsche driven by Luc Alphand is still in 4th position in its class.
Finally, midnight has definitively put an end to the hopes of Philippe Gache (Courage SMG n°19) : he won't be finishing the 24 Hours of Le Mans this year, he has had to withdraw.
Pos. | N° | Voitures | Pilotes | Tours | Ecarts | Meilleur temps |
1 | 1 | AUDI SPORT TEAM JOEST | Biela | 100 | 3:39.096 | |
( LMP900 ) | Kristensen | |||||
Pirro | ||||||
2 | 2 | AUDI SPORT NORTH AMERICA | Aiello | 100 | 00:01.775 | 3:39.046 |
( LMP900 ) | Capello | |||||
Pescatori | ||||||
3 | 17 | PESCAROLO SPORT | Boullion | 96 | 4 T | 3:46.226 |
( LMP900 ) | Bourdais | |||||
Redon | ||||||
4 | 8 | TEAM BENTLEY | Wallace | 94 | 6 T | 3:42.713 |
( LMGTP ) | Leitzinger | |||||
Van De Poele | ||||||
5 | 15 | VIPER TEAM ORECA | Dalmas | 94 | 01:49.468 | 3:45.707 |
( LMP900 ) | Montagny | |||||
Sarrazin | ||||||
6 | 14 | VIPER TEAM ORECA | Ara | 93 | 7 T | 3:46.287 |
( LMP900 ) | Amorim | |||||
Kondo | ||||||
7 | 38 | ROC AUTO | Deletraz | 93 | 00:12.099 | 3:53.577 |
( LMP675 ) | Fabre | |||||
Gene | ||||||
8 | 20 | TEAM ASCARI | Lupberger | 93 | 00:43.810 | 3:47.276 |
( LMP900 ) | Collins | |||||
Toivonen | ||||||
9 | 63 | CORVETTE RACING GARY PRATT | Fellows | 93 | 01:12.294 | 4:05.964 |
( LMGTS ) | O'Connell | |||||
Pruett | ||||||
10 | 16 | TEAM PLAYSTATION | Beretta | 92 | 8 T | 3:46.181 |
( LMP900 ) | Wendlinger | |||||
Lamy | ||||||
11 | 64 | CORVETTE RACING GARY PRATT | Pilgrim | 92 | 25:47.116 | 4:04.342 |
( LMGTS ) | Collins | |||||
Freon | ||||||
12 | 6 | DAMS | Taylor | 91 | 9 T | 3:47.942 |
( LMP900 ) | Angelelli | |||||
Tinseau | ||||||
13 | 83 | SEIKEL MOTORSPORT | Rosa | 90 | 10 T | 4:23.003 |
( LMGT ) | Babini | |||||
Drudi | ||||||
14 | 62 | RML | McKellar | 89 | 11 T | 4:03.226 |
( LMGTS ) | Lambert | |||||
Mowlem | ||||||
15 | 60 | SALEEN | Borcheller | 88 | 12 T | 4:03.410 |
( LMGTS ) | Gavin | |||||
Konrad | ||||||
16 | 75 | PERSPECTIVE RACING | Perrier | 88 | 02:40.466 | 4:25.301 |
( LMGT ) | Neugarten | |||||
Smith | ||||||
17 | 77 | FREISINGER MOTORSPORT | Jeannette | 88 | 03:02.127 | 4:20.396 |
( LMGT ) | Dumas | |||||
Haezebrouck | ||||||
18 | 9 | RACING FOR HOLLAND | Lammers | 87 | 13 T | 3:42.172 |
( LMP900 ) | Hillebrand | |||||
Crevels | ||||||
19 | 74 | WARMUP LUC ALPHAND ADVENTURES | Alphand | 87 | 02:15.346 | 4:21.989 |
( LMGT ) | Ligonnet | |||||
Marques | ||||||
20 | 80 | LARBRE COMPETITION | Chereau | 87 | 02:20.406 | 4:20.819 |
( LMGT ) | Dumez | |||||
Goueslard | ||||||
21 | 82 | SEIKEL MOTORSPORT | Burgess | 87 | 02:31.689 | 4:27.459 |
( LMGT ) | Cohen-Olivar | |||||
Bagnall | ||||||
22 | 70 | ASPEN KNOLLS | Mazzuoccola | 85 | 15 T | 4:19.238 |
( LMGT ) | Rice | |||||
Wagner | ||||||
23 | 76 | PK SPORT LTD | Youles | 82 | 18 T | 4:23.366 |
( LMGT ) | Day | |||||
Warnock | ||||||
24 | 72 | TEAM TAISAN ADVAN | Fukuyama | 82 | 01:42.149 | 4:23.309 |
( LMGT ) | Yogo | |||||
Nishizawa | ||||||
25 | 3 | CHAMPION RACING | Herbert | 81 | 19 T | 3:42.883 |
( LMP900 ) | Kelleners | |||||
Theys | ||||||
26 | 79 | DEL-BELLO NOEL | Noel | 81 | 80:54.113 | 4:20.492 |
( LMGT ) | Forgeois | |||||
Maury Laribiere | ||||||
27 | 33 | MG SPORT & RACING LTD | McGarrity | 76 | 24 T | 3:45.961 |
( LMP675 ) | Blundell | |||||
Bailey | ||||||
28 | 36 | DICK BARBOUR | De Radigues | 75 | 25 T | 3:50.572 |
( LMP675 ) | Maassen | |||||
Matsuda | ||||||
29 | 11 | PANOZ MOTOR SPORTS | Graf | 72 | 28 T | 3:57.756 |
( LMP900 ) | Daevis | |||||
Formato | ||||||
30 | 58 | LARBRE COMPETITION | Bouchut | 69 | 31 T | 4:03.805 |
( LMGTS ) | Belloc | |||||
Monteiro | ||||||
31 | 30 | WELTER GERARD | De Fournoux | 68 | 32 T | 4:02.564 |
( LMP675 ) | Daoudi | |||||
Terada | ||||||
32 | 10 | TEAM DEN BLA AVIS | Nielsen | 66 | 34 T | 3:46.217 |
( LMP900 ) | Katoh | |||||
Elgaard | ||||||
33 | 12 | PANOZ MOTOR SPORTS | Brabham | 66 | 35:48.996 | 3:51.126 |
( LMP900 ) | Magnussen | |||||
Lagorce | ||||||
34 | 32 | ROOCK-KNIGHT HAWK RACING | Hürtgen | 62 | 38 T | 4:01.299 |
( LMP675 ) | Fairbanks | |||||
Gleason | ||||||
35 | 55 | PAUL BELMONDO RACING | Vosse | 61 | 39 T | 4:07.772 |
( LMGTS ) | Rosenblad | |||||
Ickx | ||||||
36 | 21 | TEAM ASCARI | Pompidou | 60 | 40 T | 3:49.354 |
( LMP900 ) | Maxwell | |||||
Zwart | ||||||
37 | 19 | SMG | Gache | 51 | 49 T | 3:47.410 |
( LMP900 ) | Beltoise | |||||
Policand | ||||||
38 | 56 | PAUL BELMONDO RACING | Lagniez | 44 | 56 T | 4:08.245 |
( LMGTS ) | De Galzin | |||||
Kumpen | ||||||
39 | 71 | RACING ENGINEERING | Donovan | 44 | 37:46.581 | 4:30.603 |
( LMGT ) | Lingner | |||||
Mac Allister | ||||||
40 | 18 | PESCAROLO SPORT | Clerico | 42 | 58 T | 3:51.581 |
( LMP900 ) | Cottaz | |||||
Derichebourg | ||||||
41 | 7 | TEAM BENTLEY | Brundle | |||
( LMGTP ) | Ortelli | |||||
Smith | ||||||
42 | 5 | DAMS | Collard | |||
( LMP900 ) | Goossens | |||||
Bernard | ||||||
43 | 34 | MG SPORT & RACING LTD | Reid | |||
( LMP675 ) | Hughes | |||||
Kane | ||||||
44 | 37 | DICK BARBOUR | Duno | |||
( LMP675 ) | Graham | |||||
Murry | ||||||
45 | 61 | KONRAD MOTORSPORT | Seiler | |||
( LMGTS ) | Brun | |||||
Slater | ||||||
46 | 4 | JOHANSSON MOTORSPORT | Johansson | |||
( LMP900 ) | Coronel | |||||
Lemarie | ||||||
47 | 57 | EQUIPE DE FRANCE FFSA | Terrien | |||
( LMGTS ) | Cochet | |||||
Dayraut | ||||||
48 | 35 | S+R ROWAN RACING LTD | Carway | |||
( LMP675 ) | O'Connell | |||||
Migault |